Some random thoughts I wrote a few years ago.

 So, random lessons from a ... very... random guy.

Bros.  She's cute.  That's great, but you can't see what's going on in her head.  Talk to her before you crush out on her.  It'll work out better, you'll make more friends, and likely you'll find out really quick what's cute on the outside is not always even a little bit cute on the inside.  

Ladies, This goes for dudes too.  Cute on the outside might just be Manson on the inside.  Find out before you crush out.  It's also possible he's completely clueless, so get his attention, twice.  I can't tell you how many times I've realized HOURS too late what was really going on.

The above two work just as well if you're of the opposite persuasions, just switch pronouns for me there, okay?

Weirdly this works for buying cars too.  It can look fast and be not so dreamy on the inside.  Do test drive, and while you're in the car take in whether the cockpit experience is any fun, because that's where you're going to spend 90% of your time.  (insert funny about brand x spending more time under the hood than in the cockpit)

It's the love of money that's the root of all evil.  Money isn't evil, it's just an ethereal concept with dubious intrinsic value.  Loving it though, that will lead to all kinds of trouble.  Keep that fact straight.  It's important.

Keep enough money to buy at least two actual tires for your vehicle.  Especially in Arizona.

Keep a small duffel bag with a full change of clothes (with shoes), a couple towels, and a blanket in the back of your car.

Keep a similar duffel bag in your home.

Breathe.  It's rule #1.

If your parents are still around, be sure to get in touch with them.  It's their fault you exist, show a little gratitude maybe.

If you've siblings that are still around, stay in touch with them.  Good odds they know you better than anybody, and having someone like that is a most precious commodity.  

Find God.  He's right there waiting for you.  If you don't think He exists, keep looking.  I always seem to find very important things when I'm looking for something else.  If you know he doesn't exist, well, God help you.

This is where some would say you should find yourself.  Just look in the mirror.  Yourself can find you.  Go do something amazing while they search.  You are what you make of yourself.  Whether it's deliberate and by plan, or random and by happenstance, you are the sum of your choices past, and you become the sum of your choices future.  If you don't like who you are now, make better choices, and who you are will change.  They say "I can't change who I am!"... this is a misstatement.  If you wanted to change who you were, you'd do so.  You have your reasons.  Same goes if you replace who with what.  I know people who've done each.

Keep an MRE in your car, just floating around in the back seat floor.  If you ration it right, you can keep going for at least a couple days on it if you really have to.

Carry a pocket knife everywhere.  Everywhere except the airport.

Learn to pick locks.  The tools are cheap and you never know when a lost key will be the only thing between you and some absurdly important legal document.

Be self sufficient.  You can help others better if you've already dealt with your immediate needs.

There is no limited pie where wealth comes from, and nobody's hoarding your piece of it.  Make your own pie, then share or not as you see fit.  

Kindness will return itself in many unexpected ways.  Greed and envy will usually just keep you from getting off the ground.

Changing tactics is perfectly acceptable.  Simply giving up is less so.


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